De Nuevo, muchísimas gracias a todos que apoyaron el festival y que esperamos que llegaron a casa sanos y salvos. Ya estamos planificando el festival para 2010 y queremos sus sugerencias y opiniones. El Futafest es un festival para todos y queremos que todos pueden participar en su planificación el el futuro.
Again, we want to thank all who supported the Futafest this year. We hope that everyone made it home safe and in good spirits. After sleeping for a few days, we have finally uploaded the results to the blog. We have already began planning the festival for 2010 and we want to hear your comments and suggestions. The Futafest is for everyone and we hope that everyone will participate in its future.
Nos vemos en Futaleufú!
Kayak Boatercross
1. Evan Garcia
2. Ian Garcia
3. Josh Lawry
4. Ben Luck
5. Carlos Flores
Balsa Boatercross
1. Avalancha
2. Futaleufu Explore
3. Cara del Indio
Downriver Balsa
1. Cascada 30:19
2. Avalancha 30:44
3. Futaleufu Explore 31:17
Downriver Kayak
1. Evan Garcia 27:03
2. Sergio Vidal 27:06
3. Jorge Esquival 27:22
1. Futaleufu Explore Raft
2. John Fullbright Kayak
3. Marcos Gallegos Kayak